ICCC 2014


I’ve just got back from Ljubljana, Slovenia where I spent last week attending the 5th International Conference on Computational Creativity. It was one of the best conference experiences I’ve had – we had a wonderful host in the Josef Stefan Institute, an amazing array of papers, and the generally superb atmosphere that ICCC always has. Most importantly, it felt like we were moving forwards on a metalevel too. The conference was colocated with an amazing exhibition of art, and we streamed all of our conference talks live online, with all the papers online and freely available on the day the conference started. It feels a step ahead of a lot of the conferences I’ve been to.

This is really just a brief post to talk about the highlights. I want to point out that you can view each talk individually on our Twitch channel (I’m yet to edit the final day’s talks yet but they’ll be ready soon) and in the next few weeks we’ll have professional-quality recordings of all the talks available too. I also want to point out some things that might be of interest to the games audience this blog has: Antonios’ talk on why games and computational creativity were made for each other and my talk about ANGELINA’s progress as a creative entity. However, a lot of interesting work was discussed at the conference, including how social norms can influence generated narratives; how to create character arcs from mined knowledge; and how to balance simulation with authorship in procedural storytelling. I highly recommend flicking through the proceedings and then finding the talks on Twitch.


Some other miscellaneous notes: a huge thank you to everyone who helped organise the conference, and to those who supported the stream and the conference presence on Twitter. Doing new things is scary, and academic events can be conservative places sometimes, but ICCC is full of people who like to try new things, and I felt very lucky to have to much support behind the ideas. For those of you who are interested in streaming events you’re organising in the future (which should be all of you!) I’ll be writing some posts on streaming in the near future.

I’ll leave you with some photos I took at the event. I’ll try and upload more very soon!





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