I’m back from the conference in Malaga and I’m very proud to say that our paper, Initial Results From Co-operative Co-evolution For Automated Platformer Design, was awarded the Best Paper award for the EvoGames workshop! I’m obviously ecstatic, I had no idea we would receive this kind of reception. Congratulations also to the paper’s co-authors, Simon Colton (my supervisor) and Jeremy Gow (another group member, and Statistics Hero).
I’m taking the briefest of breaks and then I’m back to work. With a bit of luck we’ll be submitting some brand new ideas to the Computational Intelligence in Games conference, whose deadline is at the end of this month. Of course I’ll keep you updated on what those ideas are going to be, exactly, as well as game examples as and when they become available. If you’re on Twitter, now would be a great time to follow @gamesbyangelina, as there’s a good chance I’ll be taking advantage of the system for the first time in the coming weeks, in order to get live, human feedback on things that ANGELINA might not be totally sure of herself (like colour schemes).
Thanks to everyone who has read, commented or gotten in touch with me over the past few months. Everyone’s contributions and suggestions improve the system and help us put out our research. Thank you so much!