I’ve finally added in some rudimentary AI hooks, which has let me finish off Space Invaders and move on with the game engine. You can download and play Space Invaders here as a runnable JAR.…
YAML Space Invaders In Motion
I finally got around to recording a video of the YAML Space Invaders interpreted and running. I needed to patch up a few things before doing it – and you’ll see that everything is still…
Indie Science (And The Science Of Being Indie)
I was interviewed for Develop Magazine last month and it’s just going out in their latest edition. It was all very fun to do and the final piece is a great description of where my…
Questions and Answer Sets
This post might get a little bogged-down in logic programming, but stick with it. I thoroughly enjoyed revisiting two articles last week by Adam Smith and Michael Mateas of the Expressive Intelligence Studio at UC…
ANGELINA At EvoGames 2012
I’ve just received notification that ANGELINA’s second paper, Initial Results from Co-operative Co-evolution for Automated Platformer Design, has been accepted for an oral talk and inclusion in the proceedings for EvoGames 2012. I’m delighted! The…
ANGELINA’s Game Engine
Things are going well so far. Almost two weeks into the new year and the new version of ANGELINA (which is version three, not two as I said before) is coming along well. It can…
Game Blueprints – YAML and Space Invaders
I’ve been spending a lot of time this week working on the new version of ANGELINA. I’m trying to make it more flexible than before, but it’s throwing up a lot of philosophical challenges too…
Happy New Year, everyone, and thanks for coming back to Games By ANGELINA. I’m hoping 2012 will have plenty in store for this site, including (most importantly of all) lots of new games for you…
Santa Needs Help, And Thanks
With the paper now submitted to EvoStar, all that remains is for me to say thanks to all that helped out, and wish you the best for Christmas. I’ll be taking a hiatus to go…
Metroidvania Single Level Sampler + Survey
You can now play a single-level sample game from ANGELINA. It’s a small level from a single run of the system, onto which I added some bells and whistles (like a title screen and an…